Alex Vitor Cunha

Computer Programmer | Web Developer | Project Manager | Data Analyst

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About me

My name is Alex Vitor Cunha, I’m a computer programmer based in Toronto, Canada. I’ve finished my two years computer programming diploma at Georgian College at the end of 2022. I’m passionate about creating projects that can show my essence and challenge me to grow personally and as a professional. I’m comfortable working with both front-end and back-end technologies on web development, software development and database technologies. I’m currently working as a Data Analyst and I’m always open to new opportunities.

Some of the technologies I’ve worked with:


Some of my Projects

Media Tracker

ASP .NET | C#  | JS
This website was developed in my COMP2084 Server-Side Scripting-ASP.NET course at Georgian College. I was asked to create a C# .NET Core MVC web application that performs CRUD operations using a SQL Server database. This application helps users to track movies and tv shows they have watched or want to watch, read and write reviews from their favorite content and learn about new releases.

Super Hero Search App

JavaFX  | CSS | MySQL
This application was developed in my COMP1011 Advanced Object Oriented Programming-Java course at Georgian College. I was asked to create an application that takes user input, makes a call to an API to return search results and allows users to see more information of a specific entry. My chosen API was the free version of the SuperHero Search API (, which returns superhero information.

Food Nutritional Values App

JavaFX  | CSS | MySQL
This application was developed in my COMP1011 Advanced Object Oriented Programming-Java course at Georgian College. I was asked to create an application that takes information from a MySQL database and show it in two forms, as a chart and as a table. The app also includes code to convert CSV to a SQL query. The database information was taken from (

Canadian Movie Database Website

PHP | Bootstrap | JS | MySQL
This website was developed in my COMP1006 Intro to Web Programming course at Georgian College. I was asked to create a website based on my interests, so I chose a Canadian Movies Database. This website implements CRUD functionalities, register/login pages, securing pages via authentication, search and sort features and APIs.

Library Management

C# | .NET Framework
This application was developed in my COMP1098 .NET Programming using C# at Georgian College. My group created a Library Management system that implements CRUD functionalities, register/login pages, search and import/export functions.

Vintage Walkman Website


This website was developed in my COMP1002 HTML, CSS, & JS Fund course at Georgian College. I was asked to create a launch website for an old product. I decided to go with a website for the first walkman released by Sony.

Car Proximity Sensor

Project made for the internet of things course at Georgian College. The project was mad using the tinkercad platform to simulate a car proximity sensor using arduino. The sensor consists of a light sensor, an LCD screen that gives the user warnings depending on the proximity and warning sound.